Valentine Special

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Our exquisite Valentine Special bouquet featuring 10 velvety red roses, each meticulously selected for their deep color and flawless condition. These stunning roses are elegantly wrapped in luxurious red paper, creating a striking presentation that radiates sophistication and love. This bouquet is a classic present that says it all and is ideal for conveying deep feelings, celebrating special moments, or simply brightening someones day. Order now and leave a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.


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Our exquisite Valentine Special bouquet featuring 10 velvety red roses, each meticulously selected for their deep color and flawless condition. These stunning roses are elegantly wrapped in luxurious red paper, creating a striking presentation that radiates sophistication and love. This bouquet is a classic present that says it all and is ideal for conveying deep feelings, celebrating special moments, or simply brightening someones day. Order now and leave a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.
Free Shipping available across India. The picture that is being shown is illustrative so the actual product may vary in shape or design as per the availability. Since flowers are perishable, the delivery of your order will only be attempted once. Also note that Flowers may be delivered in fully bloomed, semi-bloomed or bud stage depending upon the availability.